Parking Lot Drainage Problems
The water drainage problems in certain parking lots has been a challenge for over 20 years at Wildwood. The Board recently decided that they were going to try and tackle these problems. Instead of trying to do 5 drainage areas at one time at a cost of $17,500 and finding out that it did not work, the Board decided to do one and see how that turned out.
Click on picture to enlarge
The above picture shows one of the worst drainage areas. The Board OK’ed an expense of $3,500 to have this fixed. Below is a picture of it 4 hours after it stopped raining. A wonderful improvement.
Wildwood spends over $1,000 a month to keep trash off the common areas and around the dumpster areas. We have new drainage lines but the drains still can be stopped up with dumpster trash. Residents please make sure you get your trash in the dumpster and not around it. Anything that is not in the dumpsters because it is to big or to heavy is not going to be picked up by the trash companies. Wildwood has to pay to have someone pick it up and remove it. This reflects in the cost of Wildwood doing business and might reflect in higher monthly dues in the next year if we can’t keep our costs down.
The Board will work on getting other dumpster drainage areas worked on in the future.
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