There is nothing new on the Ryan Goss case. Crime Stoppers put out the following bulletin on Oct. 18th. Apparently they have a person of interest they are looking for.
Oakwood Trail and Coffman Road
Have you noticed the construction going on east of Oakwood Trail and Coffman Road?
Verizon is building a wireless communications facility / cell tower at that location (6803 Coffman Rd) to include a gravel drive.
Just to the north of that Calderon Textiles will be building a 32,000 square foot building that they plan to lease. At this point they are looking for tenants for that new building. It is zoned Industrial use and will stay that way. That should limit the traffic on Coffman Road.
BlueIndy Not Coming To Wildwood
In a 11th hour decision BuleIndy decided they were not interested in putting a station in Wildwood.
It all started with a sign that was put up on Oakwood Trail saying that they were interested in putting a station in Wildwood. The Board of Directors were not interested in having a station in Wildwood for the following reasons;
1.)Wildwood does not allow commercial businesses in our neighborhood
2.)The yard nearby in which they want to put it is where children play ball
3.)This is a high accident area. A car was hit 5 times over the past 20 years parked in that spot
4.)We have enough problems with cars and parking
5.)We get nothing out of it
6.)Residents close to the site don’t want to look out of their living room window to stare at BlueIndy cars. Neighbors who will be right in front of the station say it will ruin their view.
7.)After they put up all the electrical outlets for the cars, it will make mowing and snow plowing much more challenging and probably more costly. It is very likely that our mowing vendors will raise their prices because of this. Our snow plowing may make it impossible for the cars to get out.
8.)It will make bigger traffic jams during school bus hours.
9.)It will attract Wildwood outsiders into our neighborhood
10.)It will reduce property values in our neighborhood.
11.)About 40 percent of the traffic that uses Oakwood Trail is shortcut traffic from Coffman to Georgetown Rd. We don’t need more traffic.
12.)The Board does not think that Wildwood would contribute to BlueIndy rentals. Most residents here have their own cars.
This list was given to Susan Blair, President of Pike Township Residents Association, Janice McHenry, City Counselor for part of Pike Township, Joe Simpson, City Counselor for the area of Wildwood north of Oakwood Trail and Monroe Gray, City Counselor for the area of Wildwood south of Oakwood Trail.
Joe Simpson suggested that we invite BlueIndy to our Board meeting. We invited BlueIndy to our Board meeting and they accepted. The day before our meeting an email was sent to the Board saying that BlueIndy had changed their mind and would not be putting a station in Wildwood.
The Board’s work paid off.
2017 Dues/Maintenance fees
Ryan E Goss – 1969 to 2016
Ryan Goss, former President of Wildwood Board of Directors and past resident of the community died in a tragic shooting on July 30th 2016 at his new residence in the 5400 block of High School Road.
Ryan served on the Board for several years. He took the responsibilities seriously and worked to get things done. He will be missed in the community.
Wildwood Board Change
Trash Shed Drainage Repairs
Five trash sheds drains have been worked on to get the water flowing at a better rate and so we won’t have standing water after 4 hours. This included reworking the drain trenches and piping for the water flow. This has long been a problem at Wildwood. The cost to do this was $3,500 a drain or $17,500 in total. If you continue to see drains backing up, please call Julie Schaefer, our Property Manager at 317-875-5600 or email her at
New Wildwood Signs
During the enhancement of Georgetown Road, our signs had to be taken down. They were old and in extremely bad condition so they got thrown away. After months of talking about it and having new ideas and sketches made by a sign company, the Board is looking and deciding on the following design.
Cost is about $5,000 per sign.
Before, During and After
There was a unit at Wildwood that the owner would not let the siding contractors in the patio area to put new siding on the unit. The unit ended up looking like this;
The unit had been foreclosed on and the Board of Directors decided that something had to be done.
The job is done. $1,950
A friendly reminder…If contractors can’t get in your patio areas when work needs to be done and they have to do it at a later time, it only raises the homeowners associations costs. These costs get passed on to homeowners in raised monthly dues. Please work with contractors hired by the association Board.
An Unexpected Event
On March 3rd there was a fire at a condo in our neighborhood. Nobody was hurt to the Board of Directors knowledge. Our insurance company was notified and their adjusters visited the sight. Our insurance company requested that the unit be boarded up. The Pike Fire Marshall is still investigating. The Board will discuss our options at the March 16th meeting.